Thursday, December 30, 2010

We made it...

We survived the drive up to Quincy. LJ was actually amazing. She slept, played with her brother, stared out the window at the rain. All in all, not too bad. I already miss not having Jenoma around to keep Lucas entertained. That made life so easy. Jamie was awesome - the kids would come out of Jenoma's room screaming and yelling, and Jamie would shout out: "Back in the room." It was awesome. Hands-on parenting at its best.

After a 12 hour drive home, we woke up the next morning to go and pick up Cano. He is a 9.5 week old chocolate lab puppy who has stolen our hearts...and is causing me to lose my mind. Between Cano thinking LJ is a litter mate and pouncing on her, to the 2:00 a.m. howling to be let out... it's like having a baby all over again. The hubby and I have resorted back to the beginning weeks with a new baby... yelling at each other in the middle of the night, claiming to have been outside with the puppy longer than we really were. It's hysterical.

Due to my losing my mind and having far to much to do (isn't this supposed to be vacation?) I've yet to upload my pictures. I want to do a post this week with a year in pictures of Ms. LJ (totally stolen from Dear Baby).

I hear someone making sounds like a bird being strangled. Must be Cano wanting to go outside.

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