Thursday, December 9, 2010

Quote of the day...

I stole this from my favorite blog in the whole word, Dear Baby. Something about this woman and her family stole my heart. To say that I am mildly obsessed is an understatement.

"You know what is the beautiful thing about becoming a mother? You get to always be one. It’s not like being a child or a teenager or a twenty something - those are all phases. They are all moments in life that come and go. But to be a mother. To become that woman who holds a tiny newborn in her arms and who watches that newborn grow into a unique individual. To become that woman who knows the feeling of loving another being with every cell in her body - the beautiful thing about that is that it never ends. No matter what happens in life. Becoming a mother is a journey that always will continue. And knowing that I get the privilege of doing this all again. It hit me like a ton of bricks Sunday morning."

On a side note, I'm slightly jealous. I've been very adamant in my decision to only give birth to one child. When the hubby and I decided to bring LJ into this world, we were both in agreement that since we already had Lucas, she would be it. As of right now, the hubby will be 62 when LJ graduates from high school. Yet at the same time, part of me wonders "what if?" (and honestly, I've been doing that far too much lately).

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