Saturday, June 26, 2010


(Yes, I suck - it's been forever!)

Ms. Lucy June has moved onto solids. She has been eating food for about 3 weeks now. Oddly enough, her favorite things to eat are veggies. Peas, Carrots, Squash, Sweet Potatoes...she loves them all.

We have also developed teeth!!! Her first one popped in the beginning of June, and the second one followed shortly after. She's been practicing her biting skills on mommy. Each time I pull her off and say "no biting," she laughs at me. Apparently it's funny when mama talks sternly.

We've also learned to laugh. A real laugh. Straight from the gut-baby giggle. When we sing "wheels on the bus" she cracks up when we get to the "horn on the bus" part. And the amazing baby skill of getting our feet into our mouth is a serious rib-tickler.

Next week will be our first High Sierra Music Festival. I can't wait to be a hippie and whip my boob out without a cover. Kinda funny that I'm most excited about the most natural thing about being a mommy.

Mama's been practicing with Photoshop...