Welcome sweet baby Hudson. 7 lbs, 7 ounces and 20.4 inches long. Your mommy and daddy welcomed you into the world at 6:53 p.m. last night after two hours of pushing. I went and visited you today. I held you in my arms, examined your little legs and huge feet. I kissed your sweet nose and stared into your wandering eyes. You are perfect. Your mama looks exhausted (but beautiful) and your daddy looks like a proud papa. I am already in love with you. My heart is filled with so much happiness and pride for you and your family.
I still remember the day your mama called to tell me that I was going to be an auntie. I remember feeling so overjoyed for her…that she was going to experience all of the wonderful ups and downs I’ve been experiencing on my own relatively new journey into motherhood. Driving to the hospital today, I felt those same emotions. One of my oldest and dearest friends has just joined the club - being a mama.
So as I sit here at my desk, still smelling that sweet smell of new baby on my clothes, I drift back to being in the hospital myself. It feels like it was just yesterday that LJ was born. In 16 short days my baby girl is going to be one. Where did the time go? You always laugh at people when they tell you how quickly it flies by. They aren’t kidding.
Congratulations Janine, Adam and big-brother Zach!